We arrange our pitch notation on a five-line staff. We can place pitches on any line and in any space.

We add a clef to definite the specific pitches we want. The treble clef defines the second line from the bottom as the G above middle C.

The bass clef defines the second line from the top as the F below middle C.

We can expand the staff’s range by adding ledger lines as needed. Here’s treble with up to two ledger lines.

Now here’s bass with up to two ledger lines.

We add accidentals before notes to raise and lower the given note name. The natural cancels any previous accidental still in effect.

By placing a series of accidentals after the clef, we can save writing time and help define the music’s central pitch. These are called key signatures.

You need to be able to read treble and bass clef music quickly and easily as soon as possible.